Dr. Burak KÜRKÇÜ

BK profile pic 

Assistant Professor,
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Santa Clara University


Join Dr. Kürkçü’s Research Team

Dr. Kürkçü is actively seeking self-motivated and exceptional Ph.D. students (fully funded) interested in the field of Soft Robotics. If you are passionate about advancing this exciting area of research, we encourage you to apply.

for more details, click here


Dr. Kürkçü is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE).

Before joining SCU as a faculty, he was a Research Scholar at UC Berkeley for two years, and held several positions at Hacettepe University (Assist. Prof.), TOBB ETU, and Aselsan Inc. (Senior Control System Design Eng.)

He received his Ph.D. and M.Sc. degrees from the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at TOBB University of Economics and Technology in 2019 and 2015 respectively. He received the B.Sc degree from the Istanbul Technical University in 2010.

He received the IEEE Turkey Ph.D. Thesis Award in 2020. He is an Associate Editor of TIMC, Measurement and Control, and Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

Research Interests

I aim to establish a unified theory , primarily from an algebraic viewpoint. Additionally, in the lens of AI/ML, I focus on fostering collaboration to address fundamental questions related to quantifying uncertainties and determining optimal data requirements for a deeper understanding of physical phenomena. My overarching goal is to tackle the ongoing theoretical challenge of feasibility and applicability.
  Robust Control, Switched NN & Simultaneous Learning, Robotics, Autonomous Systems

Academic Services

  • Associate Editor - Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control (TIMC) - Impact Factor: 2.146

  • Associate Editor - Measurement and Control (JMAC) - Impact Factor: 1.648

  • Associate Editor - Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (TJEECS) - Impact Factor: 1.1


  • TUBITAK BIDEP - Research Fellowship- 2022

  • IEEE PhD Thesis Award - 2020

  • Best Paper Award - National Mechanics Congress'09

  • Full Scholarship for graduate studies (MSc + PhD) from TOBB ETU

  • Certificate of excellence by ASELSAN Inc. - 2016

Updates and News

  • 01 Sep 2024: Thrilled to inform you that I have joined the ECE Department at Santa Clara University as an Assistant Professor.

  • 01 May 2024: We have 2 journal papers and 1 conference paper from our group accepted.

    • Yang, W., Kurkcu, B., Tomizuka, M., "Approximated Modeling and Optimal Design for a Soft Pneumatic Actuator Considering the Force/Torque and System Controllability" ASME JMD, 2024. Link to the paper.
    • Efe, M. O., Kurkcu, B., Kasnakoglu, C., Zaharuddin, M., Zhijie, L.,"Masked Multiple State Space Model Identifcation Using FRD and Evolutionary Optimization" IEEE Trans. on Ind. Informatics, 2024. Link to the paper.
    • Yang, W., Stuart, H., Kurkcu, B., and Tomizuka, M. “Nonlinear Parameter-Varying Modeling for Soft Pneumatic Actuators and Data-Driven Parameter Estimation ” IEEE/ASME AIM, 2024
  • 10 Mar 2024: We have a new paper from our group accepted to IEEE/IFAC 8th International Conference on Control Automation and Diagnosis (ICCAD'24)

    • Gün, M., Kürkçü, B., and Kaya, A., "Extending Virtual Force Field for Obstacle Avoidance via Polynomial Extrapolation"
  • 14 Feb 2024:I gave a talk on robust control for soft robots at the University of Sheffield - ASCE's Research Seminar.

  • 11 Feb 2024: We have a new paper accepted to IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence

    • M. Ö. Efe, B. Kürkçü, C. Kasnakoǧlu, Z. Mohamed and Z. Liu, "Switched Neural Networks for Simultaneous Learning of Multiple Functions" in IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligencelink to the paper
  • 10 Feb 2024:I gave a talk on Robust Robotics at the Colorado School of Mines Space Resources Program.

  • 29 Nov 2023: We have a new paper accepted to IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II

    • M. Ö. Efe, B. Kürkçü, C. Kasnakoǧlu, Z. Mohamed and Z. Liu, "A Modified Levenberg Marquardt Algorithm for Simultaneous Learning of Multiple Datasets," in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, doi: 10.1109/TCSII.2023.3335140. Link to the paper
  • 10 Oct 2023: We have 2 papers from our group at UC Berkeley accepted to IEEE ROBIO.

    • Yang, W.T., Kürkçü, B., Hirao, M., Sun, L., Zhu, X., Zhang, Z., Gu, G., X., Tomizuka, M., "Control of Soft Pneumatic Actuators with Approximated Dynamical Modeling". Link to the paper.
    • Hirao, M., Kürkçü, B., Ghanbarpour, A., Tomizuka, M., "Frequency Domain Analysis of Nonlinear Series Elastic Actuator via Describing Function". Link to the paper.
  • 5 Sep 2023: We have a new paper from our group accepted to 13th EASN International Conference.

    • Demirli. A, and Koç. İ., M., Kürkçü. B., "L1 adaptive controller design for a tail fin controlled fixed wing unmanned aerial vehicle" linkto the paper
  • 23 Aug 2023:Glad to inform you that I have joined the editorial board of Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science as a new Guest Editor. Look forward to see your outstanding manuscripts.

  • 15 May 2023: We have a new paper from our group accepted to IEEE CCTA.

    • Özçelik. M, Kürkçü. B, and Bayraktaroğlu. Z., Y., "Experimental Comparison of H-Infinity Synthesis and Feedback Linearization on a MIMO Gimbal Example" link to the paper
  • 14 Feb 2023:Glad to inform you that I have joined the editorial board of Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control (TIMC) (SCI-Q3) as a new Associate Editor. Look forward to see your outstanding manuscripts.

  • 23 Jan 2023:Glad to inform you that I have joined the editorial board of Measurement and Control (SCI-Q3) as a new Associate Editor. Look forward to see your outstanding manuscripts.

  • 15 Jan 2023:I joined the Prof. Masayoshi Tomizuka's Systems Control Group at UC Berkeley as a Research Scholar.

  • 09 Jan 2023: Happy to share that our paper "Modelling and Simulation of 2 DOF Gimbal System with Experimental System Identification" is publised on the IEEE 10th International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC). Link to the paper.

  • 13 Oct 2022: Happy to share that our paper "A New Adaptive Disturbance/Uncertainty Estimator Based Control Scheme For LTI Systems" is publised in IEEE Access (SCI-Q1- IF:3.476) . Link to the paper.

  • 15 Sep 2022:We have a paper from our group accepted to TOK 2022, Elazığ.

    • Kaplan, M., R., Kurkcu, B., ve Bayraktaroglu, Z, Y. "Bozucu Gözleyici Yaklaşımların İncelenmesi: Bir Gimbal Örneği"" TOK Automatic Control National Committee Meeting, Elazıg,Turkey, 2022 Link to the paper.

  • 17 Aug 2022: I will be teaching BBM 231 - Logic Design and BBM 341 - Systems Programming

  • 08 Aug 2022: Welcome Mehmet Kerem!

  • 06 May 2022: We have 2 papers from our group accepted to IEEE ICMIMT.

    • Albayrak. M, Kürkçü. B, and Ayasun. S, "Switching Based MIMO Robust Autopilot Design: A Munition Example"
    • Eser. A. Ö, Kürkçü. B, and Ayasun. S, "Adaptive Notch Filter Design for Flexible Modes of Guided Munitions"
  • 04 May 2022: Happy to share that our paper "On the existence of Equivalent-Input-Disturbance and multiple integral augmentation via H-Infinity Synthesis for unmatched systems" was accepted to ISA Transactions (SCI-Q1- IF:5.468) . Link to the paper. Joint work with Cosku Kasnakoglu from ETU, Mehmet Önder Efe from Hacettepe and Rong Su from NTU Singapore.

  • 01 Feb 2022: I will be teaching BBM 407 - Fuzzy Logic and CMP 756 - Swarm Systems

  • 12 Nov 2021: Happy to share that I am now the Principal Investigator of the newly signed project entitled "Design of a robust motion control system for the satellite antenna system." with a Defense Industry Company.

  • 05 Aug 2021: I will be teaching BBM 205 - Introduction to Discrete Mathematics and BBM 231 - Logic Design this semester

  • 07 June 2021: Happy to share that I am now the Principal Investigator of the newly signed project entitled "Switched Robust Control based Autopilot Design for the underactuated systems" with a Defense Industry Company.

  • 20 May 2021: Glad to inform you that I have joined the editorial board of International Journal of Robotics and Control Systems as a new Associate Editor.

  • 22 March 2021: Started at Hacettepe University!

The Map of the Control Theory 

The Map of the Control Theory.
(click on the image to enlarge)

Original image: Brian Douglas