Burak Kürkçü – Publications
To see my all publications and citations please visit my google scholar page.
If you don't have access to a particular journal or would like a copy of a preprint that isn't posted please drop me an email
Yang, W., Kurkcu, B., Tomizuka, M., Approximated Modeling and Optimal
Design for a Soft Pneumatic Actuator Considering the Force/Torque and System
Controllability. Link
Efe, M. O., Kurkcu, B., Kasnakoglu, C., Zaharuddin, M., Zhijie, L., Masked Multiple State Space Model Identification Using FRD and Evolutionary Optimization,
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. Link
Efe, M. O., Kurkcu, B., Kasnakoglu, C., Zaharuddin, M., Zhijie, L.,Switched
Neural Networks for Simultaneous Learning of Multiple Functions, IEEE
Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, 2024. link
Efe, M. O., Kurkcu, B., Kasnakoglu, C., Zaharuddin, M., Zhijie, L., A Modified
Levenberg Marquardt Algorithm for Simultaneous Learning of Multiple Datasets,
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2023. link
Bayrak, A; Kürkçü, B; Efe, M. Ö. "A New Adaptive Disturbance/Uncertainty Estimator Based Control Scheme For LTI Systems". IEEE Access, 2022, 10: 106849-106858. link
Kürkçü, B; Kasnakoğlu, C; Efe, M. Ö; R. Su. "On the existence of Equivalent-Input-Disturbance and multiple integral augmentation via H-Infinity Synthesis for unmatched systems". ISA Transactions, 2022, 131:299-310. link
Kürkçü, B; Kasnakoğlu, C. "Robust autopilot design based on a disturbance/uncertainty/coupling estimator". IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2019, 27.6: 2622-2629. link
Kürkçü, B; Kasnakoğlu, C; Efe, M. Ö. "Disturbance/uncertainty estimator based robust control of nonminimum phase systems". IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2018, 23.4: 1941-1951. link
Kürkçü, B; Kasnakoğlu, C. "Robust Temperature Control of a Thermoelectric Cooler via Mu-Synthesis". Journal of Electronic Materials, 2018, 47.8: 4421-4429.link
Kürkçü, B; Kasnakoğlu, C; Efe, M. Ö. "Disturbance/uncertainty estimator based integral sliding-mode control". IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2018, 63.11: 3940-3947.link
Kürkçü, B; Kasnakoğlu, C. "Estimation of unknown disturbances in gimbal systems"." In: Applied Mechanics and Materials. Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2015. p. 951-956.link
International Conferences
Yang, W., Hannah, S., Kurkcu, B., Tomizuka, M., Nonlinear Parameter-Varying Modeling for Soft Pneumatic Actuators and Data-Driven Parameter Estimation ,
IEEE/ASME AIM, 2024. - accepted
Gün, M., Kurkcu, B., and Kaya, A. ``Extending Virtual Force Field for Obstacle Avoidance via Polynomial Extrapolation '' 8th International Conference on Control, Automation and Diagnosis (ICCAD), 2024 - accepted
Demirli, A., Koç, İ., M., Kurkcu, B., "L1 adaptive controller design for a tail fin controlled fixed wing unmanned aerial vehicle", 13th EASN International Conference on "Innovation in Aviation & Space for opening New Horizons, 2023 link
Yang, W., Kurkcu, B., Hirao, M., Linfeng, S., Zhu, X., Zhang, Z., Gu, G.,
X., and Tomizuka, M. "Control of Soft Pneumatic Actuators with Approximated
Dynamical Modeling", The 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Biomimetics (ROBIO), 2023 link
Hirao, M., Kurkcu, B., Ghanbarpour, A., and Tomizuka, M. "Frequency Domain
Analysis of Nonlinear Series Elastic Actuator via Describing Function", The 2023
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO),
2023 link
Özçelik, M., Kurkcu, B., and Bayraktaroglu, Z, Y. "Experimental Comparison
of H-Infinity Synthesis and Feedback Linearization on a MIMO Gimbal Example"
IEEE 7th Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), 2023link
Özçelik, M., Kurkcu, B., and Bayraktaroglu, Z, Y. "Modelling and Simulation of 2 DOF Gimbal System with Experimental System Identification" IEEE 2022 10th International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC), 2022 link
Albayrak, M., Kurkcu, B., and Ayasun, S. "Switching Based MIMO Robust Autopilot Design: A Munition Example" IEEE 13th International Conference on Mechanical and Intelligent Manufacturing Technologies (ICMIMT), 2022link
Eser, A, Ö., Kurkcu, B., and Ayasun, S. "Adaptive Notch Filter Design for Flexible Modes of Guided Munitions" IEEE 13th International Conference on Mechanical and Intelligent Manufacturing Technologies (ICMIMT), 2022 link
Gunes, U., Sel, A., Kurkcu, B., and Kasnakoglu, C. "A Comparison of H Infinity-Synthesis and Feedback Linearization for Rotary Inverted Pendulum" 11th International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (ICMAE), 2020 link
Akyurek, S., Kurkcu, B., Kasnakoglu, C., and Kaynak, U. "Control Loss Recovery Autopilot Design for Fixed-Wing Aircraft." IFAC Papers Online, 2016link
Akyurek, S., Ozden, G. S., Kurkcu, B., Kasnakoglu, C., and Kaynak, U. "Design of a flight stabilizer for fixed-wing aircrafts using H Infinity-loop shaping method." 9th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ELECO), 2015link
Kurkcu, B., Kasnakoglu, C. "LQG/LTR position control of a BLDC motor with experimental validation." 9th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ELECO), 2015link
National Conferences
Kaplan, M., R., Kurkcu, B., and Bayraktaroglu, Z, Y. "Investigation of Disturbance Observer Approaches: A Gimbal Example" TOK Automatic Control National Committee Meeting, Elazig,Turkey, 2022.Link to the paper.
Buyuksarikulak, M., S., Kurkcu, B., and Karakurt, M. "Effects of Different Disturbance Sources on Stabilization Performance for Two Axis Gimbal Systems." TOK Automatic Control National Committee Meeting, Eskisehir,Turkey, 2016
Kurkcu, B., Kasnakoglu, C. and Cetin, S. "Optimal State-Space Control of a Brushless DC Motor." TOK Automatic Control National Committee Meeting, Kocaeli,Turkey, 2014
Kurkcu, B., Celik, M., Cetin, S., and Ozsoy, I. "Modelling, Simulation and Application of a Brushless DC Motor for a Guided System." TOK Automatic Control National Committee Meeting-Malatya,Turkey, 2013
Kuzucu, A., Bayraktaroglu, Z., Y., Kurkcu, B., and Meric, V. "Propulsion by Undulatory Motion." National Mechanics Congress-Kayseri,Turkey, 2009